Privacy Policy

Last updated January 13, 2023

At Revolution Event Gear, the privacy of Our users and visitors are very important to Us. The purpose of this privacy policy is to provide You with a description of the types of personal information We collect about You when You use Our applications, websites, content, products, and services and how We use that information. This Privacy Policy only applies to personal information collected about You while You are accessing or using the Site. By registering to use the Site or otherwise accessing the Site, You accept this Privacy Policy and certify that You have reviewed it. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY OF THE TERMS SET FORTH HEREIN, PLEASE DO NOT USE THE PLATFORM OR REGISTER TO USE THE PLATFORM.

In this Privacy Policy, references to “Revolution Event Gear”, “Company”, “We” “Us” or “Our” means Revolution Event Gear, a Massachusetts Limited Liabity Company, “You” or “Your” means the users of or visitors to Our website and Site, “Privacy Policy” means this privacy policy, and “Site” means Our websites and subdomains, applications, plugins and the content, products and services available through those means that We provide through Our website and applications. “Participants” means other end-users of the Site. “Terms” means Our Terms and Conditions found at


We collect and store information that You voluntarily provide to Us as well as data related to Your use of the Site. Below is a more specific list of the personal information We collect and how We use it with Your consent. You may be asked additional questions regarding items on this list to ensure We have Your consent to collect and use Your personal information for specific purposes.

A.     Information You Provide

  • Newsletter/Email Waitlist: When You voluntarily provide Us with Your email address, We collect Your email address from which Your identity is or may be discernible.
  • Account Creation: If You establish an account on the Site, We may collect Your name, email address, billing address, and other information to support Your use of the Site.
  • Partner with Revolution Event Gear: If You are an enterprise / business customer (as opposed to an individual user) seeking to partner with Revolution Event Gear, We will require that You provide Us with Your name, company name, email address, address, and general reason for interest in a partnership.
  • Support: If You send messages through Our contact form, or provide information to Our sales or support teams, We collect Your name, email address, and other information to reasonably provide the support You have requested.

B.     Automatically Collected Information 

In addition, We may collect certain aggregate information and analytical data related to Your use of the Site (see “What are Cookies and How Do We Use Them?” below). Aggregate information is non-personally identifiable or anonymous information about You, and may include the date and time of Your visit, information about Your usage of, and interaction with, Our software, the Site, the IP address of Your computer or mobile device, Your computer or mobile device browser information, the internet address that You visited prior to and after reaching the Site, the name of the domain and host You used to access the internet, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device’s unique device ID, the features of the Site which You accessed, and correspondences between You and Us. This data is not associated with Your personally identifiable information. We may also use cookies and web beacons to track Your interaction with the Site, and to customize Our Site for You.

C.     Third Party Sites & Partners

To the extent You use a third party service to intact with Our Site or Sites, such as Our credit card payment processor (currently Shopify Payments), integration with social media or other communications platforms, and through Our business partners, personal data will be collected by those providers and governed by their respective privacy policies.


Our primary purpose in collecting information is to provide You the Site. We may use the information You provide to Us for other purposes as follows:

  • Support the Site: We may use the information You provide Us to provide any customer support You request, including troubleshooting problems, and monitor such requests, and to inform You about updates to the Site.
  • Improve the Site: We may use the information You provide Us to customize, measure, and improve the Site, including through data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey processes.
  • Enforce Rights: We may use the information You provide Us to enforce Your and Our rights (including payment for the Site) and to protect You against fraud.
  • Marketing Purposes: We occasionally may contact You about new product and features. You may remove Your name from Our mailing lists to stop receiving these emails. We also may share Your email address with Our partners and affiliates.

If You have any questions regarding the foregoing, or Our privacy practices, You may contact Us at


In addition to the uses of personal information above, We may remove the personally identifiable parts of Your information to create de-identified forms (“De-identified Information”). Deidentified Information may be compiled with other data in aggregated forms. We may use this Deidentified Information in the following ways:

  • Disclosure for Business Purposes: We may also license, sell or otherwise share Deidentified Information with clients, partners, investors and contractors for any purposes related to Our business practices.
  • Site Improvement: We may use De-identified Information for product improvement including to the Site as well as share it with third parties to evaluate their products or services.
  • Research: We may use De-identified Information for research whether scientific, marketing, or business in nature. This research may be made public through publication such as within a scientific journal.


We do not sell, rent, trade or otherwise transfer personally identifiable information to third parties who are not Our affiliates or business partners without Your consent to do so. We may, however, disclose personally identifiable information: to Our affiliated companies - including strategic alliance affiliates, carriers, third party service providers and/or agents, as reasonably necessary to provide You with the Site You have requested; as required by law or legal process; in response to lawful requests for information by governmental agencies, such as law enforcement authorities, authorized to request such information; to enforce Our contractual agreements, including investigation of potential violations thereof; to help detect and prevent potentially illegal acts and violations of Our policies and to otherwise protect Our interests; to help detect and prevent harm to persons or property or otherwise to protect public safety; to third parties that perform functions on Our behalf, including, but not limited to, third parties that host or operate Our Site, analyze data, perform email list management services, provide customer service, or provide public relations and marketing services; and to vendors of products and services that are offered through the Site.

We are not limited in Our use of de-identified Information or non-identifiable aggregate information about Our users (such as the number of users on the Site and the geographic distribution of Our users). As such, in no way to limit the foregoing, We may share aggregate (nonpersonally identifiable) information with certain third parties such as advertisers, industry organizations, and prospective affiliates.

We do not enable third parties, except for certain of Our subcontractors, to collect information directly from users while they interact with the Site. Our subcontractors only collect and use information at Our direction and only to support the functioning of the Site and to perform analytics. Our subcontractors may not share this information with third parties.

As with any other business, it is possible that in the future We could sell or buy subsidiaries or business units. In any such transaction, as well in the event all or substantially all of Our assets are acquired by a third party, personal information of Our users will generally be one of the transferred assets. We reserve the right to include Your personal information, collected as an asset, in any such transfer to a third party.

Information collected by or sent to Us may be stored and processed in any country in which We and Our affiliates, subsidiaries, or service providers maintain facilities. We reserve the right to transfer Your personal information outside of the country where You reside and/or from which You use Our Site. By using Our Site You consent to any such transfer of information outside of Your country.


We will retain Your personal information for as long as reasonably necessary to: provide the use of Our Site; invoice charges and to maintain records until invoices cannot be lawfully challenged and legal proceedings may no longer be pursued; communicate with You regarding other services that We offer; comply with applicable laws, regulations, and court orders; enforce Our contractual agreements; or fulfill any of the purposes for which We collected the personal information as listed in this Privacy Policy.


A “Cookie” is a simple text file stored on Your computer or device for use by a browser. Certain features may only be available through the placement of a cookie. We may use “cookies” to assist in data collection and to track visitor usage and trends to help Us better serve You. The use of cookies is a standard practice among internet web sites; most internet browsers permit a user to accept, decline or delete cookies. We may use persistent cookies to make it easier for You to navigate the Site. Specifically, We may use persistent cookies to track whether You are logged into the Site. A persistent cookie may remain on Your local device for an extended period of time. You can remove persistent cookies by following directions provided in Your internet browser’s “help” function. We may set a persistent cookie to store how You came to the Site and what items You interact with during Your visit. Persistent cookies also enable tracking and targeting the interests of Our users to enhance their experience on the Site. If You reject cookies, You will still be able to view contents through the Site, but Your ability to use some areas of the Site may be limited. Some of Our business partners may use cookies and tracking technologies on the Site. We have no access to or control over these cookies or tracking technologies. This Privacy Policy covers the use of cookies on Our Site and does not cover the use of cookies or tracking technologies by any such business partner.


The Site may use third-parties, such as network advertisers and ad exchanges, to serve advertisements on and off of the Site, and may use third-party analytics and other service providers to evaluate and provide Us and/or third-parties with information about the use of the Site and viewing of ads and of Our content. Network advertisers are third-parties that display advertisements based on Your visits and activities across the Internet and mobile media (“Behavioral Ads”).

In addition, We may serve ads on Our Site based on Your Usage Information from Your activities on Our Site (“Contextual Ads”). Behavioral Ads and Contextual Ads enable Us to target advertisements to You for products and services in which You might be interested. If You object to Contextual Ads, do not use Our Site. If You object to Behavioral Ads from Us on third-party sites, You can learn more about Your ability to limit Behavioral Ads below.

Further, while We and third-party sites that display Our ads may use a variety of companies to serve advertisements, You may wish to visit, which provides information regarding this practice by Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) members, and Your choices regarding having this information used by these companies, including the “opt-out” procedures of NAI members. Similarly, You can also find information from a similar group, the Digital Advertising Alliance, here:

In the event that We allow third-parties to display advertisements that are directly targeted at users in the EU, please visit to learn more about Your options. Similar limitations may apply to these opt-out methods. We are not responsible for effectiveness of, or compliance with, any third-parties’ opt-out options or programs.


We follow commercially accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to or collected by Us, both during transmission and once We receive it. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your personal information, no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure and We cannot guarantee its absolute security. In the event of an inadvertent disclosure of Your personal information, We will take all commercially reasonable steps to limit and remedy the disclosure as required by the applicable law. In light of the foregoing, Your use and access of the Site is at Your own risk. If You have any questions about security of Our Site, please contact Us in the manner set forth under the heading “HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US?” below.


The Site is intended for the use of users who are at least 18 years of age. The Site is not directed to persons under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect or solicit information from, market to or accept services from persons under the age of 18 years old. If We become aware that a person under the age of 18 has provided Us with personal information, We will take steps to remove such personal information.


This Privacy Policy applies to the Site that is owned and operated by Us. The Site and Our communications to You may contain links to other third party sites that may offer products or services that Our users might find useful. These third party sites may request information from You. In such instances, the collection and use of Your personal information will be governed by the privacy policy applicable to that third party site. We do not and cannot control the privacy policies, contents or links that appear on these third party sites. We encourage You to review the privacy policies of any third party sites or services before providing any of them with Your personal information. We accept no responsibility or liability for other third party sites or services.


You have the right to view, correct, complete or remove Your personal information. Upon and subjection to verification of Your identity, We will respond to requests to view, correct, complete or remove Your personal information within a reasonable time.

We will make all reasonable efforts to accommodate requests to delete personal information unless it is required by law or for any lawful business purpose, and always will delete any personal information that We are required by applicable law to delete at Your request.

You can help Us maintain the accuracy of Your information by notifying Us of any changes to Your personal information as soon as possible. Your rights to access, change, or delete Your personal information are not absolute. We may deny You such rights when required by law or if the request would likely reveal personal information about a third party.

To request opt-out, review, modification or removal of personal information, You should submit a written request to Us at:


Under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), California residents have certain rights relating to collection, use, and sharing of their personal information for companies that do a minimum amount of business in or with California residents.

We currently do not meet the minimum necessary requirements to be subject to the CCPA. However, We also do not sell Your personal information and will not do so in the future without providing You with notice and an opportunity to opt-out of such sale if required by law. Similarly, We do not offer financial incentives associated with Our collection, use, or disclosure of Your personal information.

If You are a resident of California, You have the right to request to know what personal information has been collected about You, and to access that information. You also have the right to request deletion of Your personal information, though exceptions under the CCPA may allow Us to retain and use certain personal information notwithstanding Your deletion request. You may also send Your request to Us by contacting Us at the address below under the heading “HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US?”.

Separate from the CCPA, California’s Shine the Light law gives California residents the right to ask companies what personal information they share with third parties for those third parties’ direct marketing purposes. We do not disclose Your personal information to third parties (not including affiliates or business partners) for the purpose of directly marketing their goods or services to You unless You consent to such disclosure. If You have any questions regarding this policy, or would like to change Your preferences, You may contact Us at the address listed below.

Also, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits customers who are California residents and who have provided Us with “personal information” (as that term is defined in Section 1798.83) to request certain information about the disclosure of that information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. If You are a California resident with questions regarding this, please contact Us in the manner set forth under the heading “HOW CAN YOU CONTACT US?” below. 


We do not currently take actions to respond to “Do Not Track” (DNT) signals because a uniform technological standard has not yet been developed. We continue to review new technologies and may adopt a DNT standard once one is created. For information about DNT, please visit:


If You are located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), You may also have certain rights under the General Data Protection Regulation. Personal data (“Personal Data”) You provide to Us as described in this Privacy Policy is only collected with Your consent, and may be transmitted outside of the EEA to Us(or computer servers maintained for Our benefit) pursuant to that consent.

In general, under the GDPR You may:

  • request access to Your Personal Data
  • have incomplete or incorrect data corrected
  • have Your Personal Data deleted
  • suspend or restrict Our use of Your Personal Data, or withdraw Your consent
  • request a copy of Your Personal Data
  • complain to a supervisory authority if You believe Your rights under the GDPR are not being respected

Should You request a copy of Your Personal Data, We will supply to You a copy of it. The first copy will be provided free of charge, but additional copies may be subject to a reasonable fee. Should You request the deletion of Your Personal Data, We will generally do so as soon as practicable, although Your right to have Your Personal Data deleted is subject to exceptions, such as, for example, compliance with a legal obligation or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

If You consider that Our processing of Your personal information infringes data protection laws, You have a legal right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority responsible for data protection. You may do so in the EU member state of Your habitual residence, Your place of work or the place of the alleged infringement.

Contact Us by email at if You have concerns regarding Your Personal Data, or wish to exercise any of these listed rights.

Note that, if You are in the EEA, We may transfer Your Personal Data outside of the EEA, including to the United States. By way of example, this may happen if Your Personal Data is transferred to Our servers located in a country outside of the EEA. These countries may not have similar data protection laws to the EEA. By submitting Your Personal Data, You’re agreeing to this transfer, storing or processing. If We transfer Your information outside of the EEA in this way, We will take steps to ensure that appropriate security measures are taken with the aim of ensuring that Your privacy rights continue to be protected as outlined in this policy.


Each time You use or access the Site, the current version of the Privacy Policy will apply. Accordingly, when You use the Site, You should check the date of this Privacy Policy (which appears at the top of the Privacy Policy) and review any changes since the last version. We will occasionally update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in Our Site and/or business practices. You are encouraged to check regularly for any changes to this Privacy Policy. Unless stated otherwise, Our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that We have about You. We will not materially change Our policies and practices to make them less protective of user information collected in the past without the consent of affected users. You agree that Your continued use of the Site shall constitute Your acceptance of the Privacy Policy as revised.


This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without giving effect to any principles of conflict of law. If You are outside of the United States, Your information will be processed and stored in the United States and You consent to such processing and storage under the laws of the United States.


To contact Us with Your questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy or Our information collection and dissemination practices, please contact Us at: