About REG

The ethos of this company is very simple, we want to make quality shit that both performs well and looks good. This “about the company” is going to read a bit differently than you are used to, so let me tell you a quick story. 

Scott Foret and I (Dimitri Soteropoulos) are the founders of Revolution event gear. We met in engineering school and both received our degrees in Mechanical Engineering from UMass Lowell. Over the course of grinding through school together we became great friends. Every time Scott and I would meet for beers we noticed our conversations would always gravitate to creating things and business ideas. His background and specialty is in design engineering and mine in simulation so we encompass the skillsets to not only create cool products, but ensure they work and perform well.

Our goal is to continue to create different DJ products that are well designed and rigorously tested by myself prior to hitting the market. We want to keep the quality high and ensure all of our supporters are happy with the products we develop. We really hope you like our product and our message, let start a Revolution.

 Stay tuned for products that drop as we go along this journey. 

Dimitri & Scott

  • Scott

  • Dimitri

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